Vaccines—Your Pet’s Best Shot for Lifelong Health

Preventive veterinary care is the best step you can take toward ensuring your pet has a long and healthy life. Routine vaccinations are a cornerstone of that preventive care, and crucial to create and sustain a strong defense against contagious canine and feline diseases. While vaccines are essential during your pet’s early life, booster doses [...]

Pet Stories: The Importance of Deworming

“Pet worms must have been eradicated by now. It seems like deworming is something we do to our pets, although we don’t need to.”                                                                [...]

The Controlling Nature of A Flea

Fleas inherently want to take over your environment, so you need to exert control over them first. While fleas may be out of sight, and therefore out of mind, they never stop for one moment trying to find their next bite, and can hold up to 15 times their body weight in blood. At The [...]

Include Your Pet When Preparing for Disaster

Making an emergency preparedness plan is important for everyone, and pet owners have the additional responsibility of planning for the care and safety of their pets during a disaster. Take some time to put your plan together, and use the following tips from The Pet Clinic of Salem to ensure you and your pet stay [...]

4 Steps to Assemble a Pet First Aid Kit

You never know when a natural disaster or medical emergency will occur, but having a comprehensive pet first aid kit will help ensure you are prepared should your pet need help. Our team at The Pet Clinic of Salem provides guidance to help you assemble a pet first aid kit. #1: Gather your pet’s information [...]

5 Ways To Start Your Kitten On The Right Paw

Who doesn’t love kittens? They’re cuddly, playful, and an all-around good time. Kittens are a fun addition to any household, but they need proper care during their early days to set them up for long-term success. At The Pet Clinic of Salem, we love seeing kittens for veterinary visits, and educating owners about their needs. [...]

FAQ’s About Dental Care for Pets

Oral pain, inflammation, and infection can significantly affect your pet’s quality of life, but these conditions often go untreated, because they aren’t always readily apparent. Our team at The Pet Clinic of Salem answers some frequently asked questions about dental care for pets, to ensure your pet’s oral health doesn’t negatively impact their overall wellbeing. [...]

6 Common Pet Toxins

Your pet uses their mouth to explore their world, but this tendency can lead them to accidentally ingest a toxic substance. Our team at The Pet Clinic of Salem compiled a list of some common pet toxins, to help you ensure your pet stays safe from these items commonly found in and around your home. [...]

8 Tips to Set Your Puppy Up For Success

Puppies have many irresistible qualities, but these cuties are also a big responsibility. They need proper preparation and consistent training to help them become well-behaved, well-adjusted adult dogs. Our team at The Pet Clinic of Salem wants to help ensure your puppy is the best puppy they can be by providing tips to set your [...]

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